Thursday, June 30, 2011

New added stuffs for July (Vintage used shirts) Inquiry please email

  1. Death - symbolic (Vintage) Tag T-shirt printers Pty Ltd by blue grape 1995. L N/A
  2. At the Gates - With fear I kiss... Tag Witchcraft England, L ptp 22.7"N/A
  3. Sodom - Tepping the vein tour (New) Tag Cool tee basic man euro, L ptp 21.8" N/A
  4. Slayer - Show no mercy (New) Tag Cool tee basic man euro, L ptp 21.8" N/A
  5. Possessed - The eyes of horror (New) Tag Cool tee basic man euro, L ptp 21.8" N/A
  6. Dying Fetus - Destroy th opposition (Vintage) Tag Gildian, M ptp 20.4" rm78
  7. Kreator - Cause of conflict 1995 (Vintage) Tag Mcs Air Tees, L ptp 23" N/A
  8. Deicide - serpents of the light tour 1998 (Vintage) Tag Faded but it's a blue grape merchandise,  L ptp 21.3" N/A
  9. Macabre - tour shirt (Vintage) Tag Screen Stars by fruit of the loom, XL ptp 22"NA
  10. Pungent Stench - split shirt (Vintage) size like L, ptp 20" NA
  11. Voivod - War and Pain (Vintage) Tag Faded, XL ptp 20.6"N/A
  12. Cannibal Corpse - The bleeding 1994 (Vintage Faded to grey) from blue grape machandise Tag 100% Cotton boumwolle, Free size, ptp 23" few 1mm 5mm holes on circle area, one small hole on bottom front and one on top back. If you knowhow to fix it and it's for fan of old Cannibal Corpse. N/A
  13. The Haunted - U.S.A. 2007 tour shirt Tag Anvil, M ptp 20" N/A
  14. Napalm Death - Europe 1992 tour (Vintage) Tag Gone off, size like XL ptp 22.8" N/A
  15. Sodom - Masquerade in blood 1995 sweater (Vintage) Tag Screen Stars by fruit of the loom, XL ptp 22" N/A
  16. Deranged - Rated-X (New) Tag Fruit of the loom, L ptp 21" N/A
  17. Protector - Golem (New) Tag Excell, L ptp 21.5" N/A
  18. Assassin - Interstellar Experience (New) Tag Fruit of the loom, L ptp 21"N/A
  • Postage Register Mail 1 shirt rm3, Poslaju 1 shirt rm8